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Dual Diagnosis Rehab California

Dual Diagnosis California

A dual diagnosis describes individuals who experience a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder simultaneously. Also known as co-occurring disorder or co-morbidity, this condition affects millions of Californians. 

Specialized dual diagnosis rehab centers in California are essential for those facing this complex challenge. These centers provide comprehensive care, addressing both issues through behavioral therapy, medication, and support groups. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive the necessary support to manage and overcome both aspects of their condition.

Looking for dual diagnosis rehab in California? Call La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center at 888.903.9898. 

What is Dual Diagnosis? 

Dual diagnosis means a person has a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder at the same time. In other words, it’s not a single diagnosis but a combination of diagnoses.

A person with a dual diagnosis can have a variety of mental health conditions, with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the most common. The substance use disorder may involve alcohol, drugs, or other addictive substances.

When these conditions coexist, they can intensify each other. Untreated mental health issues can lead to increased substance use as people attempt to self-medicate. Likewise, substance use can worsen mental health problems. 

Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis

The symptoms people with dual diagnosis report vary widely depending on the specific mental health conditions and substances involved. As a result, it’s impossible to provide a definitive list of symptoms. However, outlining some common symptoms can help identify a potential dual diagnosis in yourself or a loved one.

Possible substance use disorder symptoms include:

  • Feeling the need for the substance to function
  • Developing a tolerance for the substance and needing higher doses to feel the same effects
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when the substance isn’t present
  • Sudden behavioral changes
  • Engaging in risky behaviors
  • Withdrawing from friends, family, and responsibilities
  • Difficulty maintaining focus

Possible mental health disorder symptoms include:

  • Extreme mood swings or irritability
  • Excessive worry or anxiety 
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Avoiding social activities or relationships 
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

What Causes Dual Diagnosis?

While mental health conditions and substance use disorders may seem different at first glance, they share several commonalities. This helps explain why dual diagnoses are so prevalent. 

Here’s why:

Shared risk factors

Certain factors can increase the likelihood of both mental health conditions and substance use disorders. These include:

  • Genetics: Both mental health disorders and substance use disorders can run in families. Research indicates that many genes may contribute to the risk of developing either condition.
  • Environmental factors: Stress, trauma, and other environmental factors can be passed down through generations, increasing the risk of developing either a mental health disorder or a substance use disorder.

Mental health disorders may contribute to substance use disorders

People with mental health disorders may turn to alcohol or drugs as a form of self-medication, attempting to cope with or alleviate their symptoms. While these substances might offer temporary relief, they often worsen symptoms over time.

Substance use disorders may contribute to mental health disorders

Using alcohol, drugs, and other substances can change the brain’s structure and function, increasing the likelihood of developing a mental health disorder. 

How Common Is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is very common. A 2021 study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that 19.4 million American adults — roughly 7.4% of the population — had been diagnosed with both a mental illness and at least one substance use disorder.

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both the mental health condition and the substance use disorder simultaneously.

For many, the first step in dual diagnosis treatment is detoxification. During this phase, healthcare providers offer 24-hour monitoring for up to a week, helping patients safely withdraw from the substance while managing withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, the rehab team collaborates with patients to create a personalized treatment plan. This plan typically includes a combination of behavioral therapy, medication, and support groups. 

Behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) are both effective in treating co-occurring disorders. CBT helps people identify and change unhelpful thought patterns, while DBT validates the patient’s challenges while acknowledging the need for change. 


Based on the specific conditions, a healthcare provider may prescribe medication to manage one or both disorders.

Support groups

Support groups provide valuable emotional and social support for maintaining sobriety. These groups consist of individuals who have faced similar challenges, offering shared experiences, guidance, and practical tips.

Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Rehab 

Treating just one disorder in someone with a dual diagnosis is often less effective than treating someone without a dual diagnosis. Therefore, the best outcomes come from comprehensive care that addresses both issues simultaneously.

The benefits of dual diagnosis treatment include the ability to:

  • Receive appropriate care to overcome drug or alcohol dependence
  • Access therapy to manage their mental health disorder
  • Work with a therapist to understand the connection between their co-occurring disorders
  • Explore the underlying causes of addiction and mental health issues
  • Develop coping strategies for managing mental health conditions
  • Identify and avoid triggers that could lead to relapse
  • Create a strong relapse prevention plan
  • Maintain motivation throughout the treatment process

Dual Diagnosis Rehab in California at La Fuente 

La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center provides dual diagnosis rehab in Los Angeles, with a unique focus on LGBTQ-affirmative treatment. This specialized approach is essential because LGBTQ individuals are disproportionately affected by co-occurring conditions.

Several factors contribute to this, including the stress of deciding whether and how to come out, the potential for rejection from family members, and the societal prejudices they often face. Additionally, many have endured bullying and harassment during their formative years and continue to fear discrimination in social and work situations. 

These challenges can lead to feelings of isolation, shame, and low self-esteem, all of which increase the risk of developing both mental health disorders and substance use issues. By addressing these specific experiences, we offer a more tailored and effective path to recovery for our LGBTQ clients.

Learn more about our California dual diagnosis center by calling 888.903.9898. 

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